Your business on AI

See what 20 top AIs know about your business and how you rank when asked for a recommendation

Free for OpenAI - GTP 4o mini

See what each AI knows about your business and how you rank when asked for a recommendation on 20 top AI models like OpenAI GPT4o, ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Meta Llama3.1, Claude 3.5 and more.

e.g. Which are the best Italian Restaurants in Austin, Texas or Recommend the best plumbers in Paddington, Queensland.

Why should I care about AI Rankings?

AI is being used to augment search results and provide direct answers to search queries on Search Engines. The use of AI will only increase and more search results will be provided by AI models rather than traditional search links. AI will answer questions about businesss more and more as the models evovle. These AI models are used in search by Google, Bing, Meta and more.

AI Tools like ChatGPT
People like getting direct answers. More people are going directly to AI tools like ChatGPT,, Microsoft CoPilit or Perplexity and bypassing the search engines. They will ask these AI tools about businesses like yours.

Social Platforms
Social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X use AI to provide further context and information to users. AI may mention or suggest your business or competitors when asked about local businesses.

AI Integration
AI is being integrated into everything. Any of these AI models can be used by developers depending on requirements, capability and cost. Your business data that has been used to train these AI models could be used in any context to provide answers to people using thousands of applications and websites worldwide.

In July 2024, AI is likely to return inaccurate (hallucinated) information about local businesses. But this will improve with new generations, more training data and the ability of newer AI models to search the Internet for newer or additional data that it was not trained with.

You should be aware of how your business is represented on current and future AI models to ensure you're recommended when people ask AI about businesses like yours.

Why so many models?

We include the current models from the top AI platforms including OpenAI, Google, Meta, Anthropic, Mistral, Perplexity and

Each platform has a number of models with different uses and costs. Also, more than one generation (e.g. ChatGPT and GPT4) may be available at the same time.

These models are used by applications and websites to provide AI functionality. Users may ask applications or websites that use these models about businesses like yours.

This tools allows you to see what each model knows about you and your competitors and how it ranks you.

Why do I get incorrect information?

AI models try to give an answer to all queries and sometimes make up results if the data is not directly available.

This is called Hallucinations. All AI models hallucinate to some extent. The more information the AI model has the less it will hallucinate. If you search for Hotels in Las Vegas it is less likely to halluciate than for Pet Groomers in Longreach, Queensland as it will have more data.

Some AI models can use the internet to lookup accurate data, these models are less likely to hallucinate results.

We are still in the early days of AI. As AI models evolve and have more data they will hallucinate less.

On current AI models, hallucinatons vary widely depending on business type and location. Hotels give better results than Pet Groomers. Queries in the USA provide better results than Australia.

Why do I get repeated results?

We ask for 20 results. If the AI model cannot provide 20 different results it will repeat results to be able to return 20 results.

How do I improve my information and rankings?

If you don't see your business, see incorrect information, or you don't rank well there are a number of reasons.
1. The AI model doesn't have enough data about your business.
2. The AI model has been trained on wrong information about your business.
3. The AI model doesn't consider your business good enough to be in the top 20.

AI models are evolving quickly, every generation is getting more intelligent and is being trained on more and better data. They will naturally become better at answering questions about your business.

However, you can improve your information online and increase your chances of ranking highly by:
1. Improving your Google Business Profile and Online Listings like Yelp, Tripadvisor and major industry directories relevant to your business.
2. Get more reviews and improve your ratings on Google, Facebook and other major services. AI uses reviews and ratings to rank you.
3. Get started now. AI models have a training data cut off. When new AI models are released they are based on data that can be over a year old. Start making improvements now for your updates to be available to the next generation of AI models like OpenAI GPT 5 or Google Gemini 2.

Use a tool like myPresences to improve your listings and get more reviews everywhere.

Any issues or questions? [email protected]